The Organisation and Activity of the SA Affidavit of Dr. Viktor Fenyes, SA member, for the War Crimes Trials in Nuremberg. Source: Yad Vashem Archive JM 2006 The heads of the cells and companies [of the SA] were the connection to the leadership of the Party. These men could put pressure on individuals. They were the ones to inform the district and local leaders of those people who had not yet joined the party. One cannot say that there was coercion to join the party, but it is true that a large number of the rank and file joined because of the pressure and influence of cell and company heads. This was especially true for small places, because everyone knew each other and it was easy for the authorities and party organisations to apply pressure. It was also easy to find out who was a party member and who wasn't. The heads of companies and cells were the ones who took every opportunity to threaten anyone who did not identify with the Party that there was a place open for them in a concentration camp. These people were especially active in the persecution of the Jews. For example in the boycott of Jewish Shops. Here party members and SA were placed in uniform in front of shops to prevent customers from entering the Jewish stores. In many cases shoppers were beat up, and photographed so that their picture could then be published in the Stuermer or the Schwarze Korps under the title "slaves of the Jews". Pious Christians, Jehovah Witnesses, Pious Protestants, or Catholics, or members of the Salvation Army were victims of the persecution by heads of companies and cells. The proof is that these people were sent to concentration camps. All of the heads of the cells and the companies also participated in the burning of the synagogues on 8 and 9 November 1938 [ Kristallnacht ]. Membership in the organisation was voluntary. These were the companies that lead the struggle and controlled the streets after 1933. They were the ones to put pressure on the whole population. The individual SA man did not give orders but obeyed them....